Monday 9 April 2012



Nuclear Power has been one of the major sources of energy to countries whom have accepted nuclear technology. Their dependence on nuclear power has contributed very much to the development and growth of their nation economically. Even though there are public uncertainty through international organizations and people towards the energy source, the widespread development of nuclear technology has never being stopped due to its greater potentials that are being overseen by many.  For the past centuries, coal, gas and fossils have been the major source of power to the world, leading to the slowly rather nearly to the depletion of these resources. As fossils are non-renewable resources, its trend of scarcity and towards depletion has opened the door for nations after nations to consider nuclear power energy source alternative.

With the implementation of sustainability and environment conservations other sources of energy such as hydro, wind, solar and biomass have been sought and developed globally. However, big countries have also experience the rapid increase in energy consumption due to further developments, commercial growths and increase in population. In trying to meet the energy demand, a few energy sources would certainly be unstable compared to a variety of sources being adopted and implemented. Nowadays Nuclear power has been one of the energy sources that many countries are slowly embarked on for their future as they begin to encountered complexities in the conventional energy sources such as coal, gas and fossil fuel in terms of prices and availability.

Base on the history of nuclear energy...

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